
PluriLog addresses to SMEs and organizations that deal currently with the following topics:

  • Review or development of the corporate strategy
  • Reorganization
  • Clarification of complex processes
  • Contract negotiations
  • Succession planning

Since I know that the efficiency of the implementation of decisions is a key to success, I make use in advance, during the preparation of decisions, of a special methodology.

The aim of which is that all parties are standing behind the decisions taken and thus the efficiency of their implementation increasing enormously and as such productivity rises accordingly. Conflicts which are often caused by changes or disputed decisions are avoided.

However, if your environment is already surrounded with conflicts, I offer my knowledge as mediator.

PluriLog … just a name ?

PluriLog means to me to go further than a monologue or dialogue thus a plurilogue.

but also:

Each person has his own logic that’s why we live in the Plurilogic.

Contact me

I look forward to a first informal discussion.

Two quotes that accompany me in my work :

« Harmony is not caused by equality,
but by the perfect complement. ».


« People are motivated to change if they are taken seriously, in their feelings and needs ».
Marshall Rosenberg